Monday, November 12, 2007

I've been taken over the mean, impatient, cranky, grumpy and tired pregnant lady. By my third pregnancy, I know to expect it, but it is never welcome. My body is not my own, my thoughts are not my own, my emotions are not my own, my words are gone (literally, I can't think of the simplest of words, conversations with me have to be maddening)...where am I???? I miss me, I used to be nice. If you see me any time in the next 9 weeks, watch out and please don't take offense, it's really not me. I'll be back sometime next year...hopefully!


Jaime said...

Hey, it happed to all of us I think. I was so brainless with this last pregnancy that I had two car wrecks in on month! Last time I had an accident was in high school! Just hang in there, you don't have long now! Just think about Christmas and how much you love it and try to get some rest. Maybe that will help :o)

Carrie said...

That's why I love living far away!!! I love you and you are normal. Hormones! Gotta love them.