This is Gabe and his friend Mitch playing outside on one of the very
few nice days we've had this month. He is actually wearing a
short sleeved shirt! Yes, the short sleeved shirt also happens to be part of his
outside ensemble. My little Gabe will be 4 in about a week. He has been talking non stop about his birthday party. I
might have gone a little overboard on the amount of kids I invited. I want so much for him to feel special and celebrated on his special day. Luckily, the place we are having it has a lot of room and does not charge per kid! I'll be making a lot of cupcakes..."with white icing, sprinkles and plastic Batman rings".

Here is a picture of my little runaway. This is the view I see most of Luke whenever we are not in an enclosed space. He takes off and doesn't look back, thank you very much. No fear, this one. I think I will be planning play dates in locations with fences and walls involved, otherwise, I'll constantly be chasing after this cutie. The pool should be interesting this summer...

Nicole and I took all the boys to the Discovery Center. It was so much fun, but not many walls and fences! Here is one face shot I got of Luke, when he wasn't taking off to places unknown.

Here are Sam and Gabe at The Discovery Center. They really do love each other. Although, my little 6 year old is starting to think he knows a whole lot more than he really does! He's getting a
tad bit bossy, but Gabe doesn't seem to mind, yet. I was looking through pictures from the past month, trying to decide what to blog with and I realized there are precious few of Sam. Seems like he is always at school when I pull the camera out. His favorite thing these days is playing in the woods behind our house with his friends. They have quite a spread of forts out there, it's a little boys paradise. He comes home with dirt in his hair and in his pockets, begging to stay out just a little bit longer. The freezing cold doesn't even seem to bother him.
I just finished reading Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers. It was so good! I can't believe I've never read it before. Neal has been traveling a lot, so I've been in survival mode, which means lots of "snacky dinners", play dates and early bedtime. I keep telling myself when the weather gets nicer I'll come out of hibernation and get the motivation to clean my house, organize the garage, do some painting projects, blog more, go on walks...but right now, I'm content to cuddle up on the couch with my warm blanket and a good book!