Sam took his first sick day off of school this week. He had a fever all day and looked like this picture above most of the day. He woke up the next morning just fine. It was good for him to have a day to lay on the couch, even if he felt bad. Gabe got it soon after. The lack of pictures of him sick should just tell you that I was never able to get free of him to take a picture of him, because he was always next to me, on me or following me. They are both all better now. I'm holding my breath that Luke doesn't get it.
Here is a picture of Luke. He sure is cute. He is getting both of his eye teeth in right now, which is kinda weird, since the only other teeth he has are his two bottom teeth. He is a weird teether. He got his two bottoms when he was 4 months. Now, at 8 months, he is working on the eye teeth, not the two top middle teeth that usually come next. He likes to mix things up a little bit. He is learning to clap right now and it is absolutely adorable. He just flails his arms around and sometimes his hands get close together. I got some video of it this morning that I'll try to post soon.
Gabe, eating Oreos (the "blonde" ones) like everyone should eat an Oreo - licking the icing off first. This boys bleeds sugar, he got my sweet tooth. He is quite the little chatterbox lately, this is what I hear constantly from him, "um, hey Mommy why do Batmans wear capes and Star Wurs guys don't?", "um, hey Mommy why does KK make cakes?", "um, hey Mommy, tell me again where ambulances go?". Um, hey, hey, hey, hey Mommy...every day.
This is Sam and me in his classroom. I volunteered for a few hours yesterday for "Apple Day", hence the apple in the picture. My sweet friend Stacey was so nice to watch Gabe and Luke for me so I could go spend an hour in Sam's class and then have lunch with him. It was so cute to experience his little world with him. He loved having me there and filled me in on all the scoop, from the class rules, the cafeteria rules, where the Library was and how the lunch line worked. I was expecting mayhem in his classroom, but the kids were so calm and laid back, they all knew what they were supposed to be doing and were very well behaved, from what I could see. His teachers are great. I'm also sporting a new "do" in this picture. I got my hair cut really short (more in the back than the front) and, after almost 6 years, went blonde (ish) again. I was blonde up until I got pg with Sam when my hair got a lot darker, thicker and wavy. I finally bit the bullet and went back to blonde, it's fun to change things up a bit.
Start Hacking Now: Lamps
3 days ago