Since we've moved, my whole life seems so discombobulated (is that really a word?), I'm having to re-figure out how to do stuff in this new house. For example, when I walk in the door, where do I put my keys, diaper bag or purse? Where does the mail go? Where does all the soccer stuff go? I end up dropping these things here or there and then, when it's time to go, can't find anything. I've become horribly much so, that when Neal came home from being out of town for two days, he asked if I knew the back door wasn't closed all the way, much less locked. Nope, didn't know that, and that means that it had been that way the whole time he was gone, since we hadn't gone out the back door in two days. Nice. Now I check the back door a million times a day. I know it will take time to get it all figured out, and I've gotten a lot more done than I thought I would, I just didn't expect to feel so out of sorts.
I feel like the floor has been ripped out from under me and I'm trying to find solid ground again. I jump around becoming completely obsessed with something until its done, then onto the next thing. For awhile, I was obsessed with new bedding for our bed. I probably bought every pillow sham in Marshalls and TJ Maxx, trying to decide what combination looked the best. It looked like TJ Maxx threw up on my bed. I was making so many returns it was ridiculous. Once I got that figured out, I moved on to curtains. I wanted every window in the house to have curtains, because I realized how much warmer curtains made each room feel. Then I went from curtains to lamps, lamps to the game room and on and on.
I tend to make things so complicated. When I finally stop, tell myself to relax, simplify and ask myself how I'm really feeling, I often find that all of that obsessing is me running away from myself. From what is really going on inside of me, from what I'm really feeling and why. We talk a lot about feelings in a group I'm doing at church. Most everything you feel comes back to one of these 8 feelings...Fear, Anger, Shame, Guilt, Sad, Glad, Hurt and Lonely. They encourage us, on a daily basis, to have a "feelings check-in". It's been so great for me to do this small exercise because I have such a tendency to put myself on auto pilot and charge through my life, hiding from myself and from really dealing with what is going on inside of me. Why am I over reacting to my kids and husband and obsessing about pillows? Because I'm feeling fear, living in a new place, my oldest at school, meeting new people - will they like me? Will they think I'm an idiot because I talk too much? What if we can't pay all our new bills? What if one of the boys gets hit by a car when they are outside playing? What if Luke eats something off the ground and I didn't see him and he chokes on it? What if this never feels like home? What if someone makes fun of Sam and school and I can't be there to say that's not nice? What if he doesn't know what he is supposed to do? Is someone going to help him, because he might not ask for help? Luke is acting funny, what if his heart isn't okay anymore? Sam and Gabe both have fevers and say their heads hurt, what if they have meningitis? I know some of those are irrational fears, but I still feel them.
Some days, I'm feeling everyone of those feelings, others just a few. I've noticed lately that I carry fear and sadness with me as constant companions. The sadness from my miscarriages is still there, little things here and there have triggered those memories and I'm just sad. It's been good for me to recognize these things and to allow myself to feel them. It hurts and it isn't really how I want to spend my time, but it's good. It's good because it brings me back to my precious Heavenly Father. I hand all those fears and the sadness to HIM to take care of in His strong, gentle, capable hands. It reminds me that HE is sovereign and full of mercy for me, I don't have to carry these burdens, I don't have to figure it all out. It doesn't have to be so complicated. I just have to trust HIM.
Start Hacking Now: Lamps
4 days ago
This is wonderful and totally relatable. Thank you for sharing :)
(I still stalk your blog :) )
I was so surprised at my response when we moved to Tulsa - where I had always wanted to live. But I got so depressed that all I wanted to do was lay in bed. I finally realized that I defined myself by externals - my friends, the clubs I was in, our church, my role as a mom and wife as it was in Lyons. It took a while for me to figure out who I was internally. It was a great growing time for me. You'll get there. Remember I said a friend told me it would take a year to get this house done? So give yourself some time - God works on you for a lifetime. And you need your Mom!
You do need your mom!!! Go Susan. I've been so fearful about the economy. Am I prepared.... I have kids to worry's up to me to have things all together if our economy goes to pieces. TRUST the Lord. You are right
Maybe it's in the air! I was driving back from Sam's today and saw a bumper sticker that said, "My Daughter is in the US Army"...and I cried! What????
Oh I think we, especially as woman, really struggle with all you talking about. I can totally relate to all your fears, worries, obsessions etc.
If I decide to drive a different way to get my boys from school, go to the store/church, take a trip etc in the back of head I'm thinking am I avoiding a wreck or going straight into one...all this is satan and he can take over if I allow him to.
I never really acknowledge doubt and worry as Satan strong hold on me until almost 2 years ago. Worry, doubt, fear can take a HUGE hold on me and these are my struggles. When I acknowledge them and realize I'm giving satan power in my life that is sin. I struggle with this daily and I'll be in the middle of a huge scene playing out in my head (kids sick what that leads to, clint out of town what that leads to, disciplining my children what that leads to) and going on and on and bam it will hit me that God is LORD of my life. The verse 1 John 4:4 is so poweful to me...because the ONE who is in you is GREATER than the one who is in the world."
Okay geez wow can you tell I can relate to this post. Hopefully through all our comments you'll realize you're not alone. Have a blessed day and thank you for helping me remember today the ONE who is in me and you!
Thanks for sharing this... its causing me to look at some of my own feelings right now and then give them to the Father.
I just want to say thank you for sharing. We can all relate to the fears and doubts in our lives. I love you!
So...are you proud of me that I read your blog tonight? I'm just celebrating because I thought I was CRAZY!! I mean, I don't want to celebrate that you are feeling crazy too, but I'm glad we're all in this together... Everything you just described is how I feel in this new house...I don't really recognize anything about my life anymore and the worst part, in this moment, is that I live 250 miles away from you... tears... I mean, I know I'm supposed to be here, but I miss you! We're supposed to go buy pumpkins and mums together!! sobbing... I think I'm supposed to be really uplifting when I comment back, but you've done that for all of us tonight...
So - I'll just leave you with this little thought tonight - I have these bird's nests around my house - on my porches I have at least 3 big nests still there from the Spring. Have you ever stopped to really look at a bird's nest? They are pretty amazing. I'll show you when you come visit. When we first looked at the house the babies were in them... you could see their little wobbly heads up there peeping and opening their mouths- so precious! I considered it one of the major selling points of the home of course.. I was just thinking today, I'm never going to tear them down...she'll be back! You know they come back year after year if you don't tear them down... I was thinking about how hard it is to move and to make a new "nest" for your babies... It takes time, energy, probably blood, sweat and tears to get that nest ready... So.. those nests are safe with me! I don't want mama bird to lift a finger next Spring...hopefully by then, my nest and yours will look as neat as hers...well actually...I KNOW yours will!
So now all of your blogger friends officially think I've lost my mind... birds and nests at 1am! So deep and spiritual! : )
love you! - christy
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