Our Thanksgiving week got off to a great start on Monday when I picked up Laura, my sister-in-law. It took a turn for the worse that night when I woke up at midnight, after going to sleep feeling fine 2 hours before, with excruciating pain in my right ear. I haven't had an ear infection in years, but I'm no dummy - I knew this much pain meant a major ear infection. I literally suffered through the night and finally left my house at 6am so I could be the first one to walk in the door at the walk-in-clinic when they opened at 7:30. It was confirmed that I did indeed have a bad ear infection, I was given an antibiotic and sent on my way. I spent all day Tuesday in the recliner, the pain was so bad I actually had to pull out some of my "heavier" medication to help take the edge off. I haven't mentioned yet that Neal came home on Monday afternoon with a terrible stomach bug, so he was in bed still miserable. It was a good thing Aunt Laura was here to keep the boys occupied with an exercise video, that they all did together, and a trip to Sonic and the grocery store. She also did some cooking. Thanks Aunt Laura! In the afternoon, I felt a really bad pain in my ear and then noticed a few minutes later that there was...some stuff...oozing out of my ear. The pain had lessened considerably, but I still couldn't hear and was living with a constant whirring in my ear.
Adam and Lynn got in later that night and we started our few days together off with a breakfast at The Loveless Cafe the next morning, then the girls broke off and did some shopping. Then Neal and I took a trip to the pediatricians office with Luke, who ended up with an ear infection and Bronchiolitis. The Dr. did look in my ear and confirmed that my ear drum had ruptured, but that it looked like it was already healing nicely.
That night, Lynn watched the boys and Adam, Laura, Neal and I all went to Cozymel's for some Mexican food and then to see "Four Christmases". We heard it had bad reviews, but we all really liked it and laughed a ton.
We spent Thursday the way you are supposed to spend Thanksgiving Day...cooking, relaxing, watching football, taking naps, walking down to the park and stuffing ourselves full of good food. I have to say that my husband cooks the best turkey I've ever had. Last year, when I was pg with Luke, I wouldn't touch the turkey, so Neal was in charge and did a great job. So this year, when he asked me how I was going to cook the turkey, I replied with "I don't know, how are you going to cook the turkey"? True to form, he tackled the challenge, with amazing results and is now in charge of cooking the turkey forever! Later that night, Lynn, Laura and I went to see Twilight. I'd read the book last week (in one day, it was so good I couldn't put it down). The movie was great, I liked the book better though.
Friday morning we had our Christmas celebration together and the boys got to open presents. Then we got a babysitter that night and went to an amazing dinner at The Melting Pot. We did all 4 courses and were not disappointed by any of them, especially the chocolate! Yum. And of course, we took a trip to Krispy Kreme (well, Luke and I sat this one out, but they all had fun eating yummy snowman and glazed donuts)
It was a great week, we were glad that they were able to come in from Houston and spend the holiday with us. I'm just sorry I had to ask everyone to keep repeating themselves so I could be a part of the conversations!
I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Start Hacking Now: Lamps
3 days ago