5 years ago today, I was giving birth to my first born. It's been the shortest 5 years of my life. I can't believe my baby is 5. I really wish I could go back and relive December 3rd 5 years ago. It was really one of the best experiences of my life, I think about being holed up in the hospital with all my friends and family welcoming this little angel into the world and I just get warm
fuzzies! I LOVED being in the hospital, giving birth to Sam was a big party and I thoroughly enjoyed it! I remember when we went back 2 weeks later when Carly was having Maggie, I was jealous, because I wanted to be back doing the same thing! I also remember not feeling comfortable breast feeding Sam around anyone, so when he got hungry, the only private place I could think of was the bathroom. So, I fed him in the bathroom! How gross is that? Why didn't I just ask a nurse if there was an empty room? Or better yet, grab a blanket and feed the kid! No one would have cared! When
Maggs was born, Sam was sound asleep in his carrier in the corner of the room, with a full tummy!

When I look at Sam's sweet face today, I can still catch glimpses of that little baby, mainly because of those cheeks he has. My favorite thing to do every day, is to go check on the boys before I go to bed. I fix their covers, make sure their "
ni's" are in their hands, and I lean down and put my cheek against Sam's cheek. I love the way his cheek feels next to mine. I love breathing him in. I love listening to his stories, hearing him tell me about his day at school, watching him get excited about something, watching him learn to write his letters and to watch him start putting together the fact that those letters make words. I love his curiosity, I love his seriousness, I love to watch him play with his brother, love his family and friends and see his sweet, sensitive little heart. I'm so proud of how communicative his is, of how well he can clean up his room, of how well he uses his manners (most of the time!), of how eager he is to help me, Neal and Gabe. I love to hear him pray to Jesus and to thank him for all the things he is thankful for, I love to hear him pray and ask Jesus to help him listen to his teachers and then get excited when he does.

I'm so proud of this boy, I'm so thankful to have been blessed with the
priviledge to raise him and teach him about Jesus. He is such a gift, my heart...walking around in 5 year old form.

Happy birthday Baby! I love you!
I remember that day like it was yesterday, too. I remember that we had just brought you lunch and the nurse said, "No time for that...she's ready to have this baby". He was so little, which makes me laugh to look at him today. He's such a man!
I am so proud of the sweet, gentle Godly man he already is. I know that has everything to do with you as a mom and the prayers that you have been praying over him since the day you found out you were pregnant!
Happy Birthday, Buddy.
We miss you and love you!
Hi Lindsay, It's Lori Carlson! What precious children you have. I found your blog through Katherine Aylors. All the pictures are just beautiful!
So fast.... so sad..... some days I feel like it's hard to breathe because I'm allowing time to fly by. We should video tape every day. He's a cutie.
what a cutie pie! i hope your family is doing well!!
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