When I was pregnant with Sam, my amazingly artistic friend
Christy offered to make me a canvas to hang in his room, I picked out a Bible verse for him and she made it into art. I loved it so much, I had her do one for Gabe too. All of their verses have something to do with their names. Sam's is from Samuel, Gabe's talks about the angels praising God. For the past 3 months I've been praying for the perfect verse for Luke. I knew I wanted it to have something to do with the heart. A few weeks ago, Neal and I decided on the perfect verse and I sent it on to
Christy to get started on Luke's canvas. She gave it to me this weekend and I was blown away by her ability to put in art how I feel. In the close up picture, you can see that she found an actual diagram of a heart, then took some
gauzey material and made a cross to place over the heart and then put Luke's name at the foot of the cross. It's the perfect image of Luke's life so far and one that I'm praying continues on.
Amazing! I love it. What a special gift to be given. I love the verse for Luke too. Love you friend.
I have always loved these and how special to have something so fitting for Luke even before he has arrived!
I hope that your boys will treasure them when they are grown. At least their wives probably will :o)
Love the art...your friend is talented :) I'm praying for you and little Luke's heart!!
(I was the one who deleted the comment. I'm painfully perfectionistic when it comes to your/you're...everything within me had to correct it. ugh!! :) )
Those are really amazing! How special to have something so personal for each child!
Hey there - this may take a minute but I actually found your blog by googling canvas with bible verses but after I saw the canvases with the scripture, I realized God sent me to your blog. One of my dear friends is in Philadelphia right now waiting to have her second child, a little boy, who has a heart condition, once he is born he will have heart surgery to correct this - its called double outlet right ventricle with mild pulmonary stenosis. I have been trying to find a website where I can get a canvas done with the verse that she has clung to - I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you... Ezekiel 36:26. I started reading your blog and saw what you had gone through with your son and saw what God has done - he is so still in the business of miracles - praise GOd for that. What a blessing it was for me to be able to read that. I know it is weird the things you can find and sometimes scary when you google but I so believe this was a God thing. My friend, Faith's strength and her husband has been phenomenal but just not knowing what is to come is hard - that is why we have to leave it in the Great Physician's hands. I say all of this to say - even though I don't know you, I am ecstatic that your son is well and I pray that for my friend and would love to know if your friend does canvases for others that I could pay her so I can share that gift with my friend. Thanks for letting me share a little of this with you. God bless. You can view Aaron's page at www.caringbridge.org/visit/aaronhill1
You can e-mail me at cwalk1976@yahoo.com. I live in Brandon, MS right outside of Jackson.
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