Friday, October 5, 2007

I'm a Princess

*Gabe asked me this morning if I was a princess...I told him yes!

*When I asked him if he was thirsty, he replied with an enthusiastic "Yes, I sure are"!

*He calls corndogs...horndogs

*Helicopter is pronounced "ha-copper"

*When we ask him what Robin (Batman and Robin) says he replies "Holy Fart, Batman" (Holy heart faliure Batman)


Carrie said...

Always teach boys that their momma's are princesses!

Julie said...

HAh! I just read the "holy fart" one to Brad and we laughed. Oh, my...what a time our boys would have together.

Cassidy Lundgren said...

Cole is obsessed with batman and I love hearing other people watch the old 60's show! (At least I'm assuming that's where he learned "Holy Fart, Batman!") Too cute!!!!!