Saturday, August 18, 2007

For Heather

Here is a picture of Carrie. This was almost 3 years ago, so she'll probably be mad for posting an old picture, but she has been pregnant for the last 3 years and I know she wouldn't want a pregnant picture floating around the web! :)

Carrie is on the left, then our best friend Shana (her wedding, obviously) and me.


Hendrick Family said...

Look how wrong I was! I got the short hair part...but not the blond or the glasses. You ladies look beautiful!

I told you! I am ALWAYS wrong when I make up what someone looks like...I guess because that's God's job...not mine.

I'm glad we cleared this up early because one time, I was talking to this girl for about a year and never saw her...then I met her...and she looked NOTHING like what I imagined and I remember sitting with her and thinking, "This is not her. I refuse to accept this." How ridiculous of me!

Thank you!! I will love thinking of her face whenever I read her comments.


Carrie said...

Well atleast I wasn't prego. carrie