Thursday, September 20, 2007


My little Gabe. He has had a rough few weeks, not feeling well. I finally got him to the Doctor Tuesday (my 5th Doctor's office visit in one week, which is a record for me!) and got him some medicine. He was acting well enough yesterday and this morning to go to school, but he wasn't happy about it. I dropped Sam off at his class first, so I could focus on Gabe fully when I dropped him off. I took my time handing him off because I was getting such good hugs from him, it felt so good. He never cried, he just had his little bottom lip sticking out and this pathetic look on his face. (for those of you who know him, you know he has the pathetic look down pat). I sent him on his way and he didn't cry, but I have my phone right next to me in case they call me to come get him. I'm sad that I won't be picking him up from school today. I was only able to get in to the Dr. today at 2:30, so my friend Stacey is getting them for me.

I have to say it's nice to be in the house all by myself. I've been so behind on emails, Quicken and computer stuff, I've been able to sit still for a full hour and make some head way. I think in a little bit, I will go treat myself to lunch, with just me and my journal. I'm anxious for this appointment today for some reason. I love seeing Dr. Presley, but I've had so many bad appointments there this year (with the miscarriages), that I guess the anxious feeling is inevitable? Please pray that feeling away, that I may feel God's peace this afternoon. Please pray that Luke's heart has not gotten any worse. If there is any news, I'll be sure to post it.
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Hendrick Family said...

Wow. This is funny because I clicked on your blog to come and tell you something neat...and then to hear you asking for prayer today...God is always moving.

I was coming here to tell you that the first time you asked for prayer for Luke, I asked my boys to pray that morning during Bible Study.

The neat thing is...they have kept praying for Luke every morning, all on their own. I've never reminded them. I thought today, while they were praying..."God, that's amazing. I don't even know this girl, and these boys are praying for her baby every single morning." Then I remembered that it was God...the HS working in their little hearts, calling them and reminding them to pray for Luke.

So rest today knowing that no matter what happens, God has not forgotten you. He has laid it on little boy's hearts who do not know you, who do not know your baby to pray for this child's heart every single morning.

God's thoughts of you, of your situation, of Luke are as many as the sands on the shore.

Psalm 139:13-16 (to comfort you about God's hand in Luke's life)

You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother’s womb. Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! Your workmanship is marvelous—how well I know it. You watched me as I was being formed in utter seclusion,as I was woven together in the dark of the womb.
You saw me before I was born.
Every day of my life was recorded in your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed.

17-18 (to comfort your own heart about how mindful God is of what is going on right now in your life.

How precious are your thoughts about me,O God. They cannot be numbered! I can’t even count them;
they outnumber the grains of sand!


Carrie said...

Perfectly said Heather.